Caroline McKenzie / Citizen Of Nowhere

The non-auratic elements of this piece by the sound artist Caroline McKenzie (aka Beth Gripps) are its title, which refers to a notoriously callous statement made by the British Prime Minister Theresa May, and its alternative title 'More Music For Drowning'. It is interesting the damp shadow this casts on what might ordinarily drift along in that most bourgeois and comforting of forms: the ambient mist. As ambient mists goes, this is a fine and vital example. Separated tiers of shifting gauze ripple in a pleasing co-dependance with tiny grains of static. The whole is artfully controlled with more subtraction and absence than presence. For the still and attentive listener, there is a sad drama in the flagging cadence that emerges, a bobbing figure at mid-distance, mouth and ears at the water line. 

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