Pterygium / Stoic Ubiquity

Doomy is easy. Doomy is down boys. Glum and doomy. Being young and of unhappy hormone is an excuse. Noise is easy. Easy making. Easy listening cos only noise people bother with it. This is easy listening. It has no material terror in its acoustic properties. It has not a single formal surprise. You know what you are gonna get 20 seconds in. Vertical atmospherics in standard issue warehouse reverb. Routine genre cliches can be crossed off for those of us playing doomy boy noise bingo: fragrant white noise wash, wafty synthetic choir (the worst), distant static, film/tv dialogue, soft crackle to peaks of static, winning hum, stench of faded goth. It is inexcusably ordinary and coy. What can be done? Is it just the mood I am in today? Bored of doomy down boys and the lumpen mud they reduce the world to. Now if this was three 15 year old girls at the controls....that would be different. Yeah! It isn't though, is it?

Thought it was a good name for 20 seconds....but I'd misread it as Pteryglum. 

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